“I wish we had STARTED the conference with this session…”
Live meetings are a wonderful opportunity to network. But how many people struggle to introduce themselves effectively (and memorably)? This can be fixed.
A story:
Last year, when I was facilitating one of my favorite Clarity workshops (on Personal Branding) at the LTEN conference, the participants worked together to develop their introductory messages.
The roomful of attendees enjoyed a great time brainstorming their keywords, stories, and pithy phrases. Everyone gets to walk away with a Memory Dart.
One participant came up to me afterward and said, “I wish we ALL had this session at the very start of the conference - how much better the networking could have been for everyone.”
I agreed.
So, I distilled the workshop down to a simple 3-step, 30-minute practical exercise for a live event - an icebreaker/keynote/workshop session (I didn’t know exactly how to describe it). I ran the idea past a number of smart friends and one of them asked, “Why don’t you call it a pre-note?”
Pre-note. Perfect! Liven up the event, encourage better networking, and give every participant something of great value to walk away with - before the keynotes even begin!
While I was initially thinking about the “pre-note” to add value to public conferences, others chimed in with their ideas:
Team off-sites
Advisory board meetings
Developmental days
Executive retreats
Sales/launch/training meetings
Networking events
Virtual pre-event networking ice-breakers
(I suspect there are plenty more - your ideas?)
The cool thing is, this brief interactive session can be scaled up to 45 minutes or an hour (combined pre-note/keynote), and it can also be scheduled in conjunction with a more robust Clarity workshop later in the event.
One event planning expert even encouraged exploring doing virtual pre-note sessions before the live event, as a way to build excitement and engagement (Thanks, Michelle)! I like that idea.
Also, this offering is not restricted to business settings. Who in the world doesn’t need to better answer the twin question, “Who are you/what do you do?”
Group gatherings are a unique time for sharing stories and making introductions. The pre-note makes it amazing for everyone - even the introverts in the room.
From 30-minute pre-notes to day-long training or brainstorming sessions, and everything in between: call me and let’s bring the clarity!
If you’re looking for a skilled consultant to help you and your team win with clear communication, contact me.
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