The Entrepreneur Does

The entrepreneur takes action.

You can tell someone has a fertile and imaginative mind by how they see things.

They perceive what is wrong, or missing, or substandard. And they envision a better way. So far, so good.

But the entrepreneur goes further. Not content to recognize and formulate, the entrepreneur has to DO. There is an inner drive to create, a restless compulsion to make change.

Not just watch the waves. Get out and ride the waves.

There is fiery belief that can’t be content with the status quo. Seeing clearly is great. But join that to a bias for action, and then you’ve got some creative chaos about to be unleashed.

Whether this spirit comes out in making art, launching a new company, or creating next-generation cars and rockets, that risk-taking adventuresomeness has always been the engine of progress. And, at times, the road to inglorious failure.

When I was in high school, a friend and I tried to design and build a hang glider (fortunately, that endeavor never quite…got off the ground). I joined with another couple of friends to create a paddle-powered boat painted with shark teeth on the front. We didn’t really know what we were doing, but that wasn’t the point. We were…DOING (the vessel did manage to float on its maiden voyage, but that’s about all it did).

I have repeatedly blazed my own trail (I really can’t help it), though not all of my adult decisions have led to success. And when I see the heart and drive of an entrepreneur in someone else, I seek to pour fuel on the fire if they’ve got a solid plan.

Channel vision into a strategic plan, mix in clear focus and a simple message, and you’re on the way to winning. At least some of the time.

This month, I gathered with about 100 other entrepreneurs at an Unconference. The event was organized by a guy who envisioned a better way to build networks at a live event, and acted on his dream. It was powerfully supportive because the room was filled with creative action-takers, not passive listeners.

If you’re an entrepreneur, surround yourself with wise and connected people who can help you pursue your dream. You don’t have to be a solo - find/build your tribe and make stuff happen. There’s a bunch of us out there who want to DO.

If you’re looking for a skilled consultant to help you and your team win with clear communication, contact me.

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The Power of Intrigue