What Are You Going To Do With Your ONE Pixel?
There are one hundred billion neurons in each person’s brain. You get (maybe) one.
OK, I’m using a word picture here, but the point is: we (and our message) only get to occupy one tiny space in a very busy mind.
Think of it as one pixel. Or one brain cell. One pigeonhole, in which you will be placed in the mind of your audience.
Now, let’s say your message sounds something like this:
Not only is that an annoying bit of fuzzy jargon, it also guarantees that you will not occupy any clear space in the mind of another person. A person who might be a potential customer, or an employer, or a referral partner.
You may as well just go around in a t-shirt that says, “Forget me.”
What is clarity? Having a brief, simple, vivid message that turns the light on. One that is compelling and memorable.
“We provide a simple digital marketing framework that will 10x your ROI in six months.” Tell me more.
“We’re leveraging our expertise and connectivity and expanding it to broader entities.” Huh??
The moment of truth lasts only seconds. Turn the light on, or be forgotten.
I help people and businesses develop a clear, compelling message. You have something unique to offer. Let’s package it so that you capture your customer’s pigeonhole!
If you’re looking for a speaker and consultant who will help you and your people get to the point with clarity, contact me.
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