How I Went from Mayor to King (without an election!)

It’s good to be King!

I haven’t always been known as the King of Clarity. Once I was a Mayor.

About 18 years ago, when I started my solo consulting business, I built it on a simple premise, based upon years of market experience.

Business referrals are the way to go/grow. We all know this, right? But how many of us have a proactive referral strategy?

So, I created a unique network referral model for my colleagues in the life sciences training space. Having seen so many client/vendor relationships fail badly, I started a “matchmaking” service, to help training clients identify the “best fit” vendors for their needs.

(I still provide this service - if you’re in biopharma/med device training and development, take 30 seconds to watch this).

In fact, in the community I was part of (Life Sciences Trainers and Educators Network, or LTEN), I was given the honorary title of “Mayor.” Because it seemed like I knew everybody. Networking and connecting was (and is) the core of my practice.

This targeted referral/matchmaking approach was a cool business model (if I might humble-brag just a bit), and it led me deeper into the world of Clarity consulting, because I worked closely with my vendor/partners to identify and articulate their brands. And with training professionals to brainstorm their needs. And with individuals to establish their personal brands.

I still do all that.

In fact, I’m so convinced that clarity-based referrals are vital to business that in 2018 I wrote my first book (Clarity Wins - Get Heard, Get Referred) on the subject.

However, the matchmaking model had one major weakness - business was unpredictable and irregular. Feast or famine.

In the meantime, clients began to ask for workshops on branding, collaboration, project management, and communication skills, and as I continued to create an entire framework for clear communications, my title was upgraded to “King of Clarity.”

After years of writing, and delivering a variety of workshops on practical, clear communications, I finally (during those dark pandemic days) outlined the complete Clarity Fuel Formula, which led to my most recent book, The Point.

Helping individuals, teams, and organizations gain clarity, and communicate effectively, is more than my work. More than my passion. It’s my mission. I was made for this.

So, here’s the moral of this story: sometimes, the seeds of greatness are buried deep, and it takes time for our unique value to rise to the surface. It takes time to identify, cultivate, and “package” our unique abilities into something amazing that we can bring to others. A small beginning may grow and evolve into something great.

I saw a need - failed project/vendor management. I sought to create a fix. Now you know the rest of the story.

Let me know how I can help you or your organization find the “superpowers” that are the heart and soul of your value in the marketplace.

If you’re looking for a speaker/trainer/facilitator who will help your people get to the point with clarity, contact me.

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First…Have a Point!